Sunday, February 7, 2010

What Side To Write On A Card I Just Bought A Blank Card To Ask A Friend Of Mine Out On A Date With. What Side Do I Write The Message On?

I just bought a blank card to ask a friend of mine out on a date with. What side do I write the message on? - what side to write on a card

Both parties are empty ... I am a man ... I need help. I know that with regular report cards, the message on the left side and on the right to write. How does it work with spaces?


mamarat said...

You can either do it, but I prefer it above all on the right to write.

Good luck!

sheek Txn said...

Leave on the left side: "This card is empty and my mind is ..... so ...."

Then, on the right side of the letter: "..... just for you ... a lot.
Would you go? "

Len said...

Type your message to the right and draw a picture of Goofy on the left side.

drshorty said...

I usually write simply done everything right, except perhaps the entire message on one side. I would like a card to get an excellent idea!

Flame said...

Classically, is on the right side, but as it can, at a blank card, you are really creative and fill the void as you want.

1. You can write on the right side and something or put a sticker or colored light Nice on the map or on the left side.
2. You can reveal the next card, and write something on the card .. along like a letter.

Just a few ideas ..

Retaining the simplicity would be a good idea) (with a balance of empty space, as it look too busy. Coz, which may not only looks complicated, but it might look like they tried too hard.

Good luck!

jenks said...

On the right side, if you think it will be long ... Why do not you ask her in person!?

kiki said...

Since no pre-printed message, should be on the right side and again report to be written, because these words are the message. Good luck.

wyomugs said...

Tell me ... It is ready to write his life with this invitation? If so, you need to install both sides and rear, very small, and perhaps even another sheet of paper!

Frankly, it is an invitation to dine with you, something simple and accurate.

"Dear (name and address)

I will gladly share with you at dinner on Saturday night at the Palace of Food. I call on the phone this afternoon [Note: NEVER last night causing him time to prepare].

With great anticipation ....

Her admirers ... \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt his name "

Well ... well, maybe the fan "large" is a bit much, but it will bring a laugh and a smile on his face, yes!

Never let it confirm their presence, however, accept that you confirm the time and where (if you pick up, meet half way ... If anything!).

Good luck and good night!

Have a nice day.

Jacky912... said...

Well, here's what you're her a romantic poem, write, or were not interested in such things, you write something about how you really like. Leave on the right side needs to day, if you love me, I asked? Believe me, I saw my friends, how often.

Robert L said...

and on the right side, just for a photo with Goofy and how, and then along the left side to the embassy and some animated romantic, ask if your child is happy or a poem on the floor? out? in the right place and set a seal, which results in a

lfh1213 said...

To open with the map before you write on the right side. If the note more than one page, type the following line to the left, then on the back if necessary. Register or note.
A handwritten note of the date? Very sweet. :)

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