Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Online Wolf Comic Are Webcomics For Nerds?

Are webcomics for nerds? - online wolf comic

I remember my speed of Nate, Inc., Youtube day I NES1995 account (now I have an account called Spidgewood3000). Then I draw webcomics (if you do not know are there as "Nate Speed: The Webcomic", "Little Wolf and the bad girl" and "Muckle") and nonsense YouTube videos, but left him because of the controversy. Remember them?

Webcomics are comic books that are published online. I do not draw my own comics online on my computer, but he felt that each sheet of paper.

I had some problems with the webcomics medium statement in my old YouTube Channel. It own3dstudios appointed someone who hates me because of my past videos. It continues to be alternate accounts after they blocked and write funny comments. When you say "Webcomics for Nerds. Go **** yourself." That is not quite correct.

It webcomics for nerds?

PS No obscenities or insults. Moreover, there are answers that said: "Get a life "or other waste.


Anonymous said...

United States even be influenced by stereotypes that people are trying all the time to recover, what to do or what he has to you.
You be yourself, man, superheroes and video games, which once was only for nerds, today the whole world is watching and then on the big screen and play at home.
Webcomics webcomics are not nerds, or anyone, just for people who like people want to classify them.

Anonymous said...

If you do what you have because someone started a few jokes and insults, irrational, well, make my friend, then maybe you need to unleash your desire for entertainment. It is many people do not like the person seems to be, instead of the person you really are. In my opinion, seems great. Let anyone in any way, after all, the dignity of the phone will cost in the end, and all the fans who see their web-to-SODES ... Thinking and cconciser:)

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