Saturday, December 5, 2009

Aef Forum AEF - Is It A Good Forum Software?

AEF - is it a good Forum Software? - aef forum

Well, I'm new in this world forum and wanted a forum in my hosting fee, which has abundant resources to create. So I went looking for a forum of free software in PHP and MySQL (I do not know much about them) as well. I have tried to phpBB:
and SMF
Free those who are most popular. But not like them. Then I found AFI:

I like the design and looks cheaper SMF. Be faster than the rest, as I compared the loading times SMF, phpBB, and municipalities have AFI.
They also have a Mac-style dock, a forum and phpBB and SMF is not WYSIWYG.
Please lead me into this type.

1 comment:

Albus D said...

AFI is good if you use the display window. Mac is not my recommendation for the AFI.

Please give me 10points.

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